What is this, exactly?

On November 13, 2009, in Housekeeping, by Josh

Hi there!

Well, for a long time, I’ve talked about putting up a blog, and now I’ve finally done it.

So, what is this, exactly?

It’s going to be a lot of things, I hope. First off, an outlet for me to write about what’s  on my mind. It’s been too long since I was writing regularly, and while it might take me a few posts to get rolling, this is goal number one.

Will it be a political blog? Sometimes. Anybody who knows me know about my passion for politics. And there will never be a shortage of material–this much we know.

Will it be a food blog? Again, sometimes. I know this muddies the waters. You don’t see recipes on DailyKos and you don’t see Michael Ruhlman talking politics. At least not usually.

Will it be a blog about whatever’s in my head? Have I already said “sometimes?” As much as I love food and politics, I’ll probably rant about my Red Sox, talk about my job hunt, or anything else that catches my fancy.

Oh, and sometimes, it will be a photoblog. All my life, I’ve loved taking pictures, but somewhere along the way, I mothballed my old 35mm SLR. About a year ago, I got a dSLR, and the passion is back. So now I’m taking pictures again, and I’ll hopefully be sharing some of those, too.

So, here we go. I’m guessing this will start off a little rocky. Stick with me, and we’ll hopefully make this into something worth reading.


4 Responses to “What is this, exactly?”

  1. Josh says:

    Thanks for the good response! Starting this up is harder than I expected…lots of pressure to be “creative” or “insightful!”

  2. Steph says:

    Glad to see you taking pictures again.

  3. Zoyab says:

    Congrats Josh! I am looking forward to reading more!

  4. aajane says:

    This is great! I look forward to reading it.

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